Wednesday, May 30, 2012

West mulls military action against Syria: All-out chaos, or more killings?


Chossudovsky: Military Intervention in Syria Will Lead to Extended War

Chossudovsky: Military Intervention in Syria Will Lead to Extended War

The fighting for the Syrian rebel stronghold of Hama continues, with the reported number of victims reaching 100. Meanwhile the UN Security Council session discussed the latest developments of the civil conflict, but failed to produce a resolution. Elite troops of the Syrian army were sent to Hama to fight what protesters call a desperate general population and the authorities call terrorists. Syrian state news agency SANA says the rebels there have captured military depots and use the weapons, including land mines, machine guns and grenade launchers against army units. Opposition says the army is using tanks and other armor in the city, shooting at residential areas. Official Damascus denies the allegations. Anti-governmental activists state the number of people killed in the conflict over several days as high as 100. Monday's confrontation resulted in 24 deaths, they say. The government did not publish any number of casualties, but confirmed that some officers and soldiers have been killed or wounded in the operation. The military say the troops are being targeted by sniper fire from rooftops. Several European countries and the United States pushed for a condemnation of Damascus's actions in Hama during a UN Security Council session on Monday night. However Russia and China said they would veto such a move, while observer members Brazil, India and South Africa backed this position. Members of the Council agreed that the situation in Syria is of concern for the <b>...</b>


After West Deceived UN Security Council over Libya, Russia and China Veto Action Against Syria

After West Deceived UN Security Council over Libya, Russia and China Veto Action Against Syria

After 7 month of vicious onslaught against Libya bloodthirsty NATO demands destruction of so far independent Syria: France - UK - US (FUKUS) have launched the most sickening assault against common decency, morals, international law and human goodwill since Hitler's goose-stepping Nazis sent millions to the concentration camps. Here is the first series of questions placed to the three ringleaders of this most shocking terrorist outrage. 1. What is your reaction to the fact that the forces under your commend murdered the three grandchildren of Colonel Gaddafi? Why haven't you even issued an apology? Would you like the same thing to happen to your families? And if it did, should we "apologize" or mumble the word "regret"? 2. What is your reaction to NATO's murderous terrorist strikes against civilians? You will be aware of the scope of your carnage in Libya which makes 9/11 look like a picnic for fairy godmothers. How do you feel about holding joint responsibility for the murder of tens of thousands of people (up to 63000 to date)? You couldn't care less, could you? 3. If it is NATO's mandate to protect civilians, then why did you strafe their water supply? Are you aware that this is a war crime? Be honest, it was "to break their backs", wasn't it? 4. Why did the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office support a group listed in its terrorist list - LIFG, in direct violation of the UK's Terrorism Act? Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) The LIFG seeks to replace the current <b>...</b>


Russia and China veto UN resolution on Syria

Russia and China veto UN resolution on Syria

From: Russia Today Russia, China veto UN Security Council resolution on Syria Published: 04 February, 2012, 21:05 Edited: 05 February, 2012, 02:29 The United Nations Security Council has voted on a draft resolution concerning the ongoing violence in Syria. The United Nations Security Council has just voted on a draft resolution concerning the ongoing violence in Syria. Russia and China were the only voting members to oppose the draft. And as permanent members of the UNSC, they had the option to use veto power to block the draft's passage. Beijing and Moscow have both taken issue with the draft's vague wording, which they say leaves the door open for possible international military intervention in Syria and creates a picture of the current situation that favors opposition forces over the Assad government. American Ambassador Susan Rice told the Security Council following the vote that the US was "disgusted" at Russia and China's decision to go against the resolution. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also warned that more blood would be shed in Syria if a resolution was not reached soon. ..................................................................... SYRIA. TEXT OF LEAKED ARAB LEAGUE MISSION REPORT Report Reveals Media Lies Regarding Syria Commentary by Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, February 1, 2012 Global Research Editor's Note We bring to the attention of our readers the Observers' Mission Report of the League of Arab States to Syria. The report <b>...</b>


Hillary Clinton, Looking for Love in Other Places

Hillary Clinton, Looking for Love in Other Places

What we heard Hillary say about the savagery against Muammar Gaddafi is manifestation of centuries of insanity in thinking that the hand of mercy would forever be withheld from them. They are well into judgement. ******* Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem Al Thani and Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Araby briefed the Security Council on the Arab initiative to end the unrest in Syria at the meeting, which was held in New York on Tuesday. The two leaders defended the draft resolution which endorses the Arab League plan. The draft resolution demands that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad comply with the Arab League plan, which calls on him to resign and hand over power to his vice president. However, the Arab League secretary general emphasized that military intervention was not being considered. "We are attempting to avoid any foreign intervention, particularly military intervention... We have always stressed full respect of the security, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the Syrian people," al-Araby said during the meeting. The UN meeting was held despite Russian and Chinese opposition to the draft resolution. Russia has vowed to veto any resolution that calls on Assad to step down, and Russian officials say such a measure could pave the way for military action. Earlier in the day, Britain, the United States, and France held a closed-door meeting on Syria in New York. Damascus says over 2000 members of the Syrian security forces have been killed <b>...</b>


China and Russia Veto Sanctions On Syria

China and Russia Veto Sanctions On Syria

UN Security Council's proposal to condemn Syria's act of violence on its citizens was overruled together by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Russia, raising anger and disappointment from other foreign leaders. Comments point out that the CCP's opposition of the proposal is anguish and pity towards the dictatorship ruling Syria, but it cannot stop the wave of democratization in the Middle East, Asia and North Africa. Syrians started anti-government protests in March, asking President Assad to step down. The Syrian government called on military forces to suppress public protest, which they called "riots," which resulted in more than 2700 deaths already. The US announced on April 29 its intentions to impose sanctions on Syrian officials, and on May 9, the EU also announced that actions would be taken against the Syrian government. On August 3, the UN Security Council criticized the Syrian government for human rights violations and the use of violence against civilians. The wording of the proposal was edited three times before the vote on October 4. However, the CCP and Russia still hold opposition votes; the US and British UN' ambassadors left the meeting in anger. US State Secretary Hillary Clinton criticized the UN Security Council for "shirking responsibility," British Foreign Secretary William Hague showed disappointment, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe angrily condemned al-Assad as the "dictator killing people," German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle <b>...</b>


Ambassador Susan Rice To UN- USA Outraged At Russia, China VETO on Syria Slaughter 10-5-11

Ambassador Susan Rice To UN- USA Outraged At Russia, China VETO on Syria Slaughter 10-5-11

Madame President, the United States is outraged that this Council has utterly failed to address an urgent moral challenge and a growing threat to regional peace and security. Several members have sought for weeks to weaken and strip bare any text that would have defended the lives of innocent civilians from Asad's brutality. Today, two members have vetoed a vastly watered-down text that doesn't even mention sanctions. Let me be clear: the United States believes it is past time that this Council assume its responsibilities and impose tough, targeted sanctions and an arms embargo on the Asad regime, as we have done domestically. Yet today, the courageous people of Syria can now clearly see who on this Council supports their yearning for liberty and universal human rights?and who does not. And during this season of change, the people of the Middle East can now see clearly which nations have chosen to ignore their calls for democracy and instead prop up desperate, cruel dictators. Those who oppose this resolution and give cover to a brutal regime will have to answer to the Syrian people?and, indeed, to people across the region who are pursuing the same universal aspirations. The record is clear. For more than six months, the Asad regime has deliberately unleashed violence, torture, and persecution against peaceful protesters, human rights defenders, and their families. The High Commissioner for Human Rights has already warned that the Syrian government's appalling actions <b>...</b>


UN Divided Over Syrian Resolution

UN Divided Over Syrian Resolution

UN Divided Over Syrian Resolution In response to the increasing bloodshed in Syria, European powers have re-entered discussions to draft a UN resolution that condemns the Government for its brutal crackdown on protesters. The Security Council, which first met on August 1, failed to reach an agreement after two days of talks. After months of dispute and deadlock over Syria in the council, the intensification of military violence in the region seemed to radicalize many of the divided members, who felt that it may be time to resort to more direct engagement. However, practical action from the council has remained paralyzed by disagreements, with the resolution coming to no conclusions after Russia and China, both allied with President Bashar Al-Assad, threatened to veto the bill. After the Security Council discussions ended on Tuesday, Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, told journalists an agreement, so far, has not been possible: "The recent developments in Syria have been very grave, and we are concerned about the violence and the escalation of the conflict and we think that under these circumstances the Security Council could and should send a positive signal in favor of political accommodation and an end to the violence. We agreed to refer back to our capitals and then reconvene tomorrow in order to see whether a common position is possible between 15 members of the Security Council." Churkin also added that any resolution on Syria must not lead <b>...</b>


Only Venezuela Brave Enough to Tell Truth about NATO Aggressions at Highjacked United Nations

Only Venezuela Brave Enough to Tell Truth about NATO Aggressions at Highjacked United Nations

The Foreign Ministers of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, meeting in Caracas, Venezuela on 9 September 2011, recalling the Special Communiqu� of the Political Council on 4 March 2011 and the Special Communiqu� of the Ministerial Social Council on 19 March 2011, condemns the NATO intervention in Libya and its illegal military aggression, carried out under the cover of a UN Security Council resolution, opportunistically exploiting the situation of the internal political conflict in that country. The ALBA foreign ministers denounce the NATO for carrying out a military operation for regime change in Libya under the doctrine of preventive war, manipulating the UN to suit its geopolitical and economic interests in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1973. The ALBA foreign ministers demand the immediate and unconditional cessation of the NATO bombings and military intervention in the Libyan territory. The ALBA foreign ministers deplore the fact that the NATO has disregarded the persistent efforts of the African Union in search of a solution to the internal conflict in Libya based on dialogue to achieve peace. The ALBA foreign ministers also deplore the complicity of various major international media, which have colluded with those interested in aggression and lent themselves to the purpose of distorting information about the state of affairs in Libya. The ALBA foreign ministers issue their most urgent warning on the danger that the Libyan precedent <b>...</b>


Michel Collon: US Fabricates and Finances Arab Opposition Groups

Michel Collon: US Fabricates and Finances Arab Opposition Groups

The UN Security Council is examining France and Britain's draft resolution, which condemns the ongoing violence in Syria. Russia and China said they would oppose any toughly-worded documents or hasty action. Following two hours of closed-door consultations within the UN Security Council, France and the UK did not garner enough support for a resolution they introduced on Syria. Discussions at the UN will continue over the next few days, as the UK and France continue campaigning for support. The draft resolution -- which calls on Damascus to stop using violence against protestors, demands those responsible for civilian casualties be held accountable, and allows for humanitarian aid to be sent to Syria -- will be presented to the UN Security Council. The draft also urges other countries not to supply weapons to Damascus. The resolution already has support from Germany and Portugal, British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Wednesday. "If anyone votes against that resolution or tries to veto it, that should be on their conscience," he added. Earlier on Monday, French Foreign minister Alain Juppe said the UN cannot just silently watch as the situation develops there. He believes reforms in Syria "are dead" and that President Bashar Assad has no right to rule the country anymore. Russia and China, both veto-wielding members of the UN Security Council, said they would oppose a resolution on Syria. "The international community is drowning in [the Libyan situation]. That's why <b>...</b>


TEW'S Syria Recap

TEW'S Syria Recap

Last month, Russia and China vetoed a Western-backed UN Security Council resolution condemning the bloodshed in Syria. They have argued that NATO misused a previous UN measure authorizing the use of force to protect civilians in Libya to justify months of air strikes and to promote regime change. Yesterday the UN general assembly's human rights committee resolution, drafted by Britain, France and Germany, received 122 votes in favour, 13 against and 41 abstentions. Thirteen Arab states, including the six Arab co-sponsors, voted for it, as did Turkey. An Arab League committee has given Syria 24 hours to agree to allow an observer mission into the country or it could face sanctions. France will seek Arab support on Thursday for a humanitarian corridor in Syria NOTE: I posted a bulletin earlier where the RUSSIAN WARSHIPS off of Syria is "In Question"... Russia is neither confirming or denying it... and supposedly the original source of the info was Syrian. Israeli officials: Turkey nearing military intervention in Syria Arabs to ask UN for support to resolve Syria crisis Arab League threatens sanctions against Syria Syria Has Few Friends But UN Punitive Action Is Elusive UN condemns Syria`s Regime crackdown on Protesters Russian Warships' Cold Messages from Warm Waters France seeks Arab backing for Syria intervention Turkey confronted with possible <b>...</b>


Lizzie Phelan; ' Arab League report on Syria flawed '

Lizzie Phelan; ' Arab League report on Syria flawed '

Mon Jan 23, 2012 - The prominent journalist says the Arab League report on Syria is flawed because it states that a threat exists on the people and government, yet it proposes the army should stand down. Press TV has conducted an interview with Lizzie Phelan, freelance journalist, to further discuss the issue. Press TV: Some of the major points of the report by the head of the Arab League monitors in Syria: They didn't face any problems, they say, from the Syrian govt.; violence has subsided, they say, despite claims by the armed opposition; the fact that the opposition are armed; and that there were exaggerations over the way the monitors conducted their mission. Overall, how do you see the report? Phelan: Well, of course, there are from the Syrian government's point of view some positive things that have come out of the report, but overall they're not very happy with the report because they have recommend that the president hand over power to the deputy. And the Syrian government has called this a blatant violation of their sovereignty. Of course, there is a political process happening here in Syria. Just a couple of weeks ago, the president has announced reforms including a new constitution that would be put to a referendum in a very short space of time. And while the Arab League has said that violence has subsided since the observers have been in the country, it's difficult to know what they're comparing it to because before they arrived the only reports about <b>...</b>


Build up to WW3 - RUSSIA & CHINA 'Despicable' Over SYRIA say Hillary Clinton

Build up to WW3 - RUSSIA & CHINA 'Despicable' Over SYRIA say Hillary Clinton

From SkyNews UK: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has slammed Russia and China as "despicable" for opposing UN action on Syria following a meeting of Western and Arab powers. At an international conference of the 'Friends of Syria' group of nations, up to 70 delegates gathered to try to find a way to end the bloodshed in Syria. The world leaders called on President Bashar al Assad to stop the killing of civilians and allow emergency aid into the country. But the international efforts to resolve the crisis were criticised by Qatar and Saudi Arabia, who want Arab peacekeepers to enter Syria in order to enforce a ceasefire. Western powers, including Britain and the US, favour a diplomatic approach to put more pressure on the Assad regime, including more economic sanctions. :: Who's who in the Assad regime? As the concern over the humanitarian crisis grows, the Red Cross confirmed they, along with the Syrian Red Crescent, had been allowed into the besieged Syrian city of Homs to evacuate several wounded people. Inside Syria Homs has been under constant bombardment by government forces for three weeks and hundreds of civilians are reported to have been killed. On Friday aid workers entered the Babr Amr district to help those in need of medical assistance and managed to safely move seven people to a hospital in another part of the city. It came as Mrs Clinton used strong language to denounce Russia and China for their attitudes toward the crisis in Syria. The two nations <b>...</b>


Syria US Ambassador Susan Rice Disgusted! by Russia China -Charges leveled re Libya ! 1

Syria US Ambassador Susan Rice Disgusted! by Russia China -Charges leveled re Libya ! 1

4 PART SERIES PLAYLIST Let us read UN 1973 and see who should be "disgusted" References: Susan Rice is disgusted at China and Russia for not helping her with her plans to reshape Syria. Ms Rice: I have been waiting for the showdown wherein you would try to do to others what you did in Libya. You forgot 1 thing this time. The Internet. We publish the truths you suppress. Let us hear your remarks, And then the respected news source -- "The Real News" before we decide what level of disgust we should have with BRIC. I wonder who crafted your little talking points this time. I recorded all your lies last time. In a document called "Nato Intervention in Libya: The Washington Establishment Media Narrative The true disgust in the world is with your lies. You hurriedly rushed through UN res 1973 You conducted 25000 aerial missions dropping 10000 payloads of munitions on an army the size of the NYPD. Libya has 6 to 10 trillion dollars' worth of resources. Each soldier therefore guarded 200 million dollars in treasure, not a good ratio, apparently with the Wests Invasion Capitalism. Instead of competing with Brazil Russia India and China -- you intend to render them meaningless by penetrating them with your finance institutions accumulating stock in their companies, as you allow <b>...</b>




OBAMA IMPEACHMENT EXPOSED! Awaken the Masses, Share and make Viral! ALEX JONES The impeachment of war criminal Barack Obama has begun but the globalist controlled traitor media is blacking this huge news out. "Expressing the sense of congress that the use of offensive military force by a president without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution," the resolution states. Jones introduced his resolution after Obama's Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey told Senator Jeff Sessions during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing last week that they would seek "international permission" to attack Syria. Congrerss would not be consulted, but merely informed of the decision. "Our goal would be to seek international permission and we would... come to the Congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get permission from the Congress -- I think those are issues we would have to discuss as we decide what to do here," Panetta told Sessions. "Well, I'm almost breathless about that," the senator from Alabama replied, "because what I heard you say is, 'We're going to seek international approval, and then we'll come and tell the Congress what we might do, and we might seek congressional approval.' And I just want to say to you that's a big [deal]." Panetta said a NATO or United <b>...</b>


Kofi Annan: Killings in Syria Must Stop

Kofi Annan: Killings in Syria Must Stop

BY CELIA MURRAY Activist groups say more civilians have been brutally killed and tortured over the weekend in areas of Syria. This comes as the former Secretary-General of the UN Kofi Annan left the country after failed peace talks. The New York times has a closer look at the details, "Activist groups said a dozen and possibly as many as 45 people, including children, died overnight. Activist videos posted online purported to attest to the killing and mutilation of children, and at least six dead adults were shown covered with sheets and blood-stained blankets." Reports are that more than one hundred civilians were killed this weekend alone. So far the UN has recorded more than 7500 Syrian citizens killed by forces supporting President Bashar al-Assad. Annan had talks with Assad to try and promote a peaceful resolution. CNN's Nic Robertson spoke about the effect he had. NIC ROBERTSON: "Kofi Annan's mission: to get a cease fire. Annan is the most senior diplomat yet to tell Assad to his face - 'stop the killing'. It had no immediate impact." The UN's security council is in lock down over these recent events. Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are calling for a united action against the violence. However, as The Los Angeles Times reiterates, the biggest obstacle is other international powerhouses. "Russia and China last month vetoed a US-backed Security Council resolution that called on Assad to relinquish power. Russia is backing a new <b>...</b>


Syria's Assad rebuffs Annan, troops attack Idlib

Syria's Assad rebuffs Annan, troops attack Idlib

BEIRUT (Reuters) - President Bashar al-Assad told UN/Arab League envoy Kofi Annan on Saturday that no political solution was possible in Syria while "terrorist" groups were destabilizing the country. "Syria is ready to make a success of any honest effort to find a solution for the events it is witnessing," state news agency SANA quoted Assad as telling his guest. "No political dialogue or political activity can succeed while there are armed terrorist groups operating and spreading chaos and instability," the Syrian leader said after about two hours of talks with the former UN secretary-general. While they discussed Annan's peace mission, Syrian troops were assaulting the northwestern city of Idlib, a rebel bastion. "Regime forces have just stormed into Idlib with tanks and heavy shelling is now taking place," said an activist contacted by telephone, the sound of explosions punctuating the call. There was no immediate comment from Annan after his meeting with Assad, aimed at halting bloodshed that has cost thousands of lives since a popular uprising erupted a year ago. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who met Annan in Cairo earlier in the day, told the Arab League his country was "not protecting any regime", but did not believe the Syrian crisis could be blamed on one side alone. He called for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid access, but Qatar and Saudi Arabia sharply criticized Moscow's stance. "TRUCE NOT ENOUGH" Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al <b>...</b>


Syrian Opposition Visits China, Why Is the CCP Inconsistent?

Syrian Opposition Visits China, Why Is the CCP Inconsistent?

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On February 4th, at the UN resolution the Security Council voted to "stop the Syrian government's massacre of Syrians" However the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) cast a veto. But after less than a week, CCP Foreign Ministry said that the Syrian opposition recently visited China. Then, why are CCP's actions so contradictory? Let us look at the analysis from the outside world. On February 9th, CCP Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin spoke at a regular press conference. He said that, from February 6th to 9th, Syrian Opposition Sea Sam Mak, Deputy Coordinator of "the national democratic forces of change national coordinating body", visited China, together with a delegation. However, a few days before, the CCP had expressed support for the current government of Syria. They rejected a UN resolution to stop the Syrian Government of the people. The CCP's actions are so inconsistent, why? Ma Xiaoming, former Shaanxi TV reporter, analyzed and pointed out that this is the usual double-dealing standard. The CCP does this for diplomatic propaganda and communications. Ma Xiaoming: "Their feet occupy two boats, because dictators can't be long-lived, it will not last long. I think (the CCP) also wants to build relationships with the Syrian opposition." After CCP cast veto in UN, it was strongly condemned by the public. The Australian Prime Minister accused the CCP of Irresponsible behavior. The French Foreign <b>...</b>


Tarpley: US, NATO want no dialogue on Syria

Tarpley: US, NATO want no dialogue on Syria The UN General Assembly has adopted an anti-Syria resolution that was drafted by the Arab League and backed by the United States and the United Kingdom. On Thursday, 137 members of the UN voted in favor of the resolution, while 12, including Russia and China, voted against the measure. Press TV has interviewed Dr. Webster Tarpley, author and historian from Washington, to further discuss the issue. The following is an approximate transcription of the interview. Press TV: Arguments have been made both for and against the fact that the adoption of such a resolution can give the green light to a military intervention in Syria. Where do you stand on that? Tarpley: Well, it's hard to see how this could make any armed action legal, just because of the way the UN is set up, as resolutions, the chapter 7 armed force international peace and security resolution have to go through the Security Council. And as you mentioned, this particular one has already been rejected twice with the cross vetoes because of the Chinese and Russians, once in October and now again in February. It is rather a kind sour grape; it is kind of a desperate ploy by Susan Rice and her gang of puppets and people that she bosses around to try to bring this to the UN General Assembly. I think it's also interesting to see, who voted against this, because it's a very large part of the world. The largest country geographically, Russia, was against it, the largest demographically, China, was against it <b>...</b>


GGN: Iran Attack Fades High Gas Prices Stay, West Ensures More Syrian Violence, PsyOp Unit to Africa

GGN: Iran Attack Fades High Gas Prices Stay, West Ensures More Syrian Violence, PsyOp Unit to Africa

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE Please visit: or http for the latest news commentary by Global Government News Please donate to GGN: because it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. HEADLINES WITH LINKS: Would intervention end civilian deaths in Syria? Syria warned by Hillary Clinton to implement Kofi Annan peace plan Syria accepts April 10 peace plan deadline: Annan UN Security Council Endorses Deadline for Syria Russia rejects deadline for Annan's Syria peace plan Friends of Syria undermine peace process - Lavrov Russia warns West, Arabs against arming Syria rebels Syria says terrorist acts on rise despite Annan plan 'Syria unrest benefits Israel' Hersh: US facilitates MEK terror in Iran Report says Israel may delay Iran attack Russia, Iran set to counter US/Israeli strike against Iran. US-led naval drill 'Confrontation with Iran may be delayed to 2013' Scoop: Israeli Iran Attack to Coincide With Next Israeli Election US Aircraft Carriers Departing Persian Gulf Israel's plan to attack Iran put on hold until next year at the earliest Rocket fired from Egypt hits Israeli city of Eilat Iron Dome ? the newly beloved missile defense system that nobody wanted White House ignores Congress, sends all $1.5 billion in aid to Egypt in one transfer Officials from Egypt's Brotherhood at White House Britain mulls buying <b>...</b>


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