A combination of innocence, curiosity and a cute animal tends to make for epic viral content. And this adorable YouTube video has all those ingredients.

The heartwarming footage shows a baby Gentoo penguin meeting a human for the very first time.

The man featured in the video is blogger and world traveler Joel Oleson.

While there are some close calls as the animal pecks his head, it thankfully misses Oleson's eyes.

According to Discovery News, the clip was taken while Oleson was on a trip to Antartica.

Though Gentoo penguins aren't endangered, they are listed as "near threatened" on the IUCN Red List.

Check out the below slideshow of nature's most adorable endangered species:

Three cheetah cubs, born in November 2004, lean against their mother during a preview showing at the National Zoo in February 2005 in Washington D.C. Today there are just 12,400 cheetahs remaining in the wild, with the biggest population, totaling 2,500 living in Namibia.

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