It was only a matter of time before the North Atlantic Treaty Organization would transform itself into the North Atlantic Treaty Occupation. Although the Northern armies and their supporters naively believed they were "providing a secure environment for sustainable stability," which is declared in the U.S.-NATO and Afghanistan Mission Statement, the majority of local populations understood NATO as little more than occupiers and not saviors. Ten years after the U.S.-NATO led military invasion of Afghanistan, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation has affirmed this truth. It found that 56 percent of Afghans see the foreign U.S.-NATO troop contingent as an occupying force and a military threat. Afghanistan is not alone. Local populations in places like Iraq, Somalia, Africa, and the Balkans also view U.S.-NATO forces as occupiers and a danger.
Regarding U.S.-NATO's genetic-generational leash, such military wars and occupation campaigns go back centuries. After World War Two, the West's reply to the Soviet Union to militarize what had hitherto been an economic relations with Western Europe(1) merely mirrored centuries of generational warfare and militaristic dualism. The genetic-historical foundations for NATO had already been cast long before the 1948 Brussels Meeting, where the United Kingdom, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the United States met to forge a neo-military treaty to provide a common defense system. Though NATO consciously claimed it was defending Europe against armed aggression, subconsciously it would commit armed aggression against the world. It is a militaristic dualism that has been deeply embedded in Europe's and the United States' human lineage.
For three millennium, U.S.-NATO's military culture has been shaped by a communal mind and genetic determination. Although genetic linkage is somewhat flexible, genes and cultural histories prescribe epigenetic rules and are often irreversible.(2) U.S.-NATO's genetic and human evolutionary leash can be traced to the Roman and Greek Empires and their conquests, including how virtue and excellence are ideally displayed in combat and on the battlefield. This militant, genetic-generational leash continued through tribal warfare and conquests among the Roman Empire and the Franks, Gauls, Anglos, Saxons, and Normans who resided throughout Western Europe. Pagan Frankish-Germanic and Norman kings that converted to Christianity, like Clovis, Charles Martel, Charlemagne, and William the Conqueror, employed forced conversions and build Christian empires.
European and Christian crusaders continued to transmit to modern-day U.S.-NATO participants a militant-genetically oriented gene, as did those who participated in European and U.S. imperial conquests. Crusaders likened military campaigns to Holy Wars, in that they were fighting on behalf of God to improve the conditions of others and to save the world. Merchants profited by either funding or making monetary loans to finance the Crusades. European merchants made enormous sums of money providing weapons and transporting crusading armies. European and Christian-like empires would soon acquire land, wealth and power through global imperial campaigns and the Slave Trade. In the name of civilization, industrialism, human rights, republicanism, resources, and, of course, God, local populations were eradicated across Africa, the Americas, and Asia.
World War One and Two reminded European Powers and the U.S. of the futility of civil strife specifically among themselves, of fighting against their own genetic pool and generational gene-culture. By the time the U.S.-NATO Treaty was signed on April 4, 1949 in Washington, DC, the U.S. and Canada were also committed to the defense of Western Europe. It was a defense that included military aid and assistance and any means necessary to "defend" Western civilization.(3) Two years later, U.S.-NATO could boast new nations, like Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Norway, and Portugal, and a Supreme Allied Commander in Europe in charge of 10,000 military aircraft and 89 army divisions, half of them combat ready.(4) Dean Acheson, a rigid cold war warrior, sealed the genetic-historical leash by militarizing the geopolitical rationale for NATO.
U.S.-NATO also imposed the Bretton Woods Agreement on the newly formed United Nations and world. The United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference enabled the United States and European Powers to militarily enforce a global market economy and trading system through the International Monetary Fund, International Bank of Reconstruction and Development, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. While these powerful postwar international investment firms and financial institutions have produced enormous wealth and the acquisition of resources for Western transnational corporations, they have sadly produced immense suffering and death for much of the rest of the world. They have caused numerous wars and military occupations by using U.S.-NATO forces to collect debts and exploit the resources and labor of local populations.
From a genetic-generational and historical leash perspective, Afghanistan, much like other nations where U.S.-NATO forces are either at war or in the process of lengthy military occupations, is another genetically determined armed aggression. It is another crusade, another Holy War in the name of secular democracies and market economies and for transnational corporations. It is another imperial conquest to extract resources and wealth and where modern-day merchant-like CEO's become increasingly wealthy from plundering and pillaging and killing. U.S.-NATO in Afghanistan is another forced conversion, another forced subjugation to a militant and violent gene-culture and lineage that has existed for three millennium. One must wonder, then, when such an organization outlives its usefulness, and if such genetic traits will ever be identified, challenged and changed.
Dallas Darling (
(Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John's Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for You can read more of Dallas' writings at and
(1) Walker, Martin. The Cold War: A History. New York, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1993., p. 55.
(2) Wilson, Edward O. Consilience, The Unity Of Knowledge. New York, New York: Random House Publishers, 1998., p. 138.
(3) Chambers, John Whiteclay. The Oxford Comapnion To American Military History. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, 1999., p. 482.
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